EMEC/EMTR - 2434  

Instrumentation and Measurement

Instructor:  Dr. Wilson Wang, CB-4057, 766-7174

Email:  Wilson.Wang@Lakeheadu.ca

Webpage:  http://wwang3.lakeheadu.ca/emec2434.htm

Lectures:  4:00-5:30pm, Tuesday & Thursday, AT-2001

Teaching Assistant: Megha Malusare <mmalusar@lakeheadu.ca> , Melika Afshari <mafshari@lakeheadu.ca>

Lab instructors:  TBA

Office Hours:  11:00am-12:00pm, Wednesday & Friday, or by appointment


1. Measurement and Instrumentation, Theory and Application, 3rd edition, A.S. Morris and R. Langari, Academic Press, 2020.

2.Teaching Notes


This course will introduce the fundamentals of measurements and the principles of instrumentation in engineering applications. It covers the terminology, concepts, principles and calculations needed to specify, analyze and maintain instrumentation systems. Specific topics include measurement errors and statistical analysis, active and passive signal conditioning, data acquisition, measurement of pressure, level, temperature, flow, position, and vibration. Labview will be used for data acquisition simulation.

Student Learner Outcomes

Grading Policy:

Assignments: 15%; Labs: 15%; Midterm Exam: 25;  Final Exam: 45%


Week Topics Readings Notes
1 Introduction; Measurement errors and analysis;
Performance characteristics

1.1-1.4; 2.1-2.3; 3.1- 3.2; 3.5-3.7;2.4

LT Notes
2 Statistical analysis
Chi-squared distribution

2.4; 4.1-4; 4.9-4.11

Assignment 1
3 Representation of data; Least squares regression

4.10; 10.4

Solution 1
Reading Material
4 Data acquisition and reprocessing; Filters

8.1-8.7; Notes: 7.1-6.7

5 Passive filters; Active lowpass filters

8.8; Notes: 7.3, 7.4

Assignment 2
6 Op-amp circuits


7 Reading week